Fall ‘23 MPH Update for OTN

There are multiple facets to athleticism, but I am convinced at this point that the greatest indicator of the overall athleticism of an individual or a group is its maximum velocity (aka, speed). Someone smarter than me put it this way: “Sprinting is to the body what playing the piano is to the mind.” It takes every facet of a person’s athleticism to go fast… power, coordination, balance, agility, etc.

Last year, we had a huge senior class of athletes who had largely put in the time both in the weight room and at Get Quick, and it showed in the numbers. We graduated a ton of speed last spring (and it was noticeable throughout the summer), but our kids have been putting in the work, and it’s starting to show. You can find a full MPH Report on OTN here, with our mph clubs, all-time leaderboards, and complete list with the speed of 200 current Tigers & Lady Tigers. Also, a few notes on the current status of OTN’s speed:

  • The average speed of our top 15 boys has gone up over half a mph since June, and our top 15 girls have picked up almost .75 mph in that time.

  • After graduating our first two 23 mph club members ever, Ian Pianfetti has joined Rex Hallam in the 23 mph club. Ian has also jumped to #2 all-time on our mph list… our first two 23 mph members (All-time leader Ayden Cothern & Saul Jones) were seniors before they hit the mark. Rex is a junior and Ian is just a sophomore. And we’ve got 3 other cats knocking at the door: Jashaun McKinley at 22.8, and Colby Redman & Gavyn Cothern @ 22.6.

  • To compare guys and girls, we add 3mph to the girls… so 17mph for the girls 20mph for the boys, 18mph 21mph, and so on. Since we started up the Get Quick program for OTN back in 2017, the speed of our girls has lagged behind that of our guys, at least based on those comparisons. But as of late it’s started to look like that might be changing. If we convert the the average mph of the top 15 girls, they only trail the guys by about .5 mph. We’ve only had a couple girls ever hit 18mph, right now we’ve got 8 girls who have run 18mph or faster (that’s roughly equivalent to 21mph for the guys), with several having a shot to become our next 19mph girl (thus far, Hadley Denton is the only Lady Tiger to hit 19 or 20mph).

  • A lot of our young Tigers are starting to pick up speed as well. Guys like Hudson Kuhn, Nolan Seals, Kaeden Davis, and Ryan Kirby have added to our ranks in the 20 & 21mph department, amongst others. Ladies like Reyce Petersen, Briley Kocher, Nora Stevens, Lily Stevens, Kennedy Travis, and Savannah Cycholl have started to build up our 17-18mph clubs.

  • Six current Tigers hold spots on our All-Time Top 10 list, which stretches back to 2017, and all but two spots on the All-Time Girls’ list are held by current Lady Tigers (another sign our girls are picking up steam). Sophomore Ian Pianfetti currently sits at #2 all-time with Rex Hallam holding the #4 spot, and Hadley Denton is currently #1 all-time on the Ladies’ side with Rylee Bloomer & Brielle Seiler tied at the #3 spot.


Summer ‘23 Leaders Recognized